Ethical sourced Diamonds
Ethical sourced diamonds are diamonds that have fair humanitarian mining practices when it comes to wages and conditions when sourcing for raw diamonds. When we talk about ethically sourced diamonds, we mean the mining and origin of the diamonds are not compromised.
Conflict free Diamonds
Conflict free diamonds are diamonds that are mined in an area which are free from any kind of terrorism or terror-related areas. It means that the diamond must not be mined in a way that hurt any individuals during the mining process, nor did it create any kind of bloody issues during the mining process. When the diamond is mined in a proper way by individuals who are neither tortured nor enslaved by force are known as conflict-free diamonds.
Almaseyah has a zero-tolerance policy toward non ethically sourced and conflict diamonds. We only purchase diamonds through the largest and most respected suppliers who are certified by the Responsible Jewellery Council* and who respect the Kimberley process**, and warrant that the diamonds are ethically sourced and conflict free.
We will continue to support and promote any process that works to uphold legitimacy in the diamond trade. Diamonds are a major source of good in many African nations, employing and providing healthcare to thousands.
For colored stones, these same labels do not exist, however, our lapidary partners have been selected for their seriousness and ensure the most responsible supply possible. We have chosen to source our precious metals from certified refiners to affirm our commitments in terms of ethics, social and environmental responsibility, and the fight against corruption.
* The World Diamond Council is an organization representing the entire diamond value chain including representatives from diamond mining, manufacturing, trading, and retail. The Council was established in July 2000 and mandated to put forth strategies to combat the use of diamond proceeds being used to benefit rebel forces engaged in conflict.
** The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) is the process established in 2003 to prevent "conflict diamonds" from entering the mainstream rough diamond market by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 55/56 following recommendations in the Fowler Report. The process was set up "to ensure that diamond purchases were not financing violence by rebel movements and / or their allies seeking to undermine legitimate governments.